Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hurt Coccyx How Long Will It Take To Heal

cancer patients with cancer

Cervical cancer is cancer in women, is a disease in which cancer cells are found in the tissues of cervix.
The cervix is \u200b\u200bthe opening of the uterus, the hollow body pear-shaped where the fetus develops, and connects with the vagina, usually grows slowly over a period of time.
Despite its gravity is entirely preventable, we know the causal agent procedures are available to detect and access virtually cure in Mexico, causes the premature death of approximately 4,500 women, many of them of childbearing age.

Causes Major causes of this evil are the initiation of sexual intercourse before age 18, having a birth before age 18 having multiple sexual partners or sexual partners have sex with other women.
multiparity, smoking, immunosuppression and vitamin deficiency can also cause it.
time can detect this disease, some symptoms are yellowish or bloody vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding outside of menstruation, bleeding during sex or after having had or vaginal pain during sex.
When at a later stage those who suffer from weight loss, may have urinary problems of infectious, abnormal bleeding or obstruction to urine flow, the invasion of the bladder; or, constipation or bleeding, the invasion of the colon and rectum. Prevention cancer-cervicouterino

One way to prevent it is the hygiene of the couple during sex, be alert to the possible presence of any discomfort in the genitals.
As can be the occurrence of itching, abnormal spots or grains, yellow discharge, green, bloody, or foul, or the appearance of pain or bleeding during intercourse, which should be evaluated and treated by the doctor.
You should have a pap smear at least once a year.


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