Sunday, January 23, 2011

Case Ih Wallpaper Border


Cancer is a public health problem worldwide and affects people of all ages and children, youth, elderly, rich, poor, men and women. Today it remains the second leading cause of mortality in developed countries after cardiovascular diseases.

Knowing the sequence of events that develops a possible cancer is a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle, the latter being a factor that is in our hands to change it. A significant number of cancers are associated with poor nutrition.

factors such as overweight, obesity, excessive alcohol, consumption of salted and cured foods are associated with an increased risk of developing cancer.


According to WHO (World Health Organization), the UICC (International Union Against Cancer) and the American Institute for Cancer Research, presented a series measures in the prevention of cancer, are simple actions that promote population-balanced diet and exercise can prevent up to 1 / 3 of cancer cases. These actions include:

· Maintain proper body weight throughout life may be one of the most important steps in preventing cancer.

· doing regular exercise and adequate

· moderate amounts of high calorie foods such as saturated fats and refined sugars (butter, sausages, cream, candy, soda, etc.).

· Increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts because they have high content of anti-cancer agents such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, fiber and more.

· Limit consumption of animal foods (beef, poultry) , 4 to 5 servings per week.

· Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages.

· Storage and Preparation food in optimal conditions of temperature and humidity. Both the microbial contamination of foods such as grain contamination by fungi that produce aflatoxin which can cause liver cancer.

Avoid cooking the food at high temperatures and the originating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carcinogenic factors that are produced from animal fat grilling fish or meat, as well as smoked foods.

Most patients have changes in their nutritional needs, therefore the objective of the recommendations should be directed to:

· preventing and correcting nutrient deficiency
Avoids weight loss
Avoids deterioration Immune System
· Tolerance to cancer treatments

· ; Avoid or reduce side effects of treatments and possible complications. Foregoing redound to the quality of life of patients.

Nutritional recommendations for the time of diagnosis must be for a balanced diet to maintain energy balance, prevent weight loss and malnutrition of the patient.


35-45 cal / kg / day

(In English Society of Community Nutrition)



Nutritional recommendations should be individualized to improve appetite and encourage healthy food intake, reduce the toxic effects associated with treatment .

To avoid digestive problems, the diet should be based on foods whose composition and how to prepare it easily digestible so that the power resulting from Gastro-Protection _Hepatica-pancreatic.

To prevent loss or alteration and facilitates nutrient digestion, the way cooking should be: boiled, steamed, baked at low temperature.

Avoid cooking on the grill to high temperatures to avoid the formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as mentioned above.

is critical properly washed fruits and vegetables before preparation.

Meals must be in small volume and divided into several doses per day to achieve such increased tolerance and assimilation by the patient.
Fluid intake is very important to reduce the toxicity of the treatment: these fluids may be water, tea, fruit juices - broth.

General Nutritional Recommendations for the patient who receives
chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Sometimes cancer treatments and Inparticular Chemotherapy can cause a number of effects that alter the patient's nutritional status.

nausea and vomiting:

· ; Serve foods with soft consistency (such as gelatin, fruit puree, crackers), small number several times a day.
· Eat cold or room temperature liquids.
· Sit or recline with your head up for 30 minutes after eating.
· Rinse the mouth before and after eating.
decreased appetite:

· Foods should be concentrated, as well as serving in an attractive and with a variety of textures and colors
· Make several meals a day and in small volume.
Reduce the consumption of dairy products, whole fruits, raw vegetables and fat in general.
· Increase fluid intake (eat at least 1 cup of fluid after each bowel movement.
· The diet should be rich in fiber (fruits and raw vegetables, milk , vegetables, whole grains).
Drink plenty of fluids (6 to 8 glasses a day)

· Eat soft foods, cold fruit , custard, gelatin, ice cream.
· Avoid citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, pineapple, passion fruit,
Cut food into small pieces.
· Use straw to drink liquids
· Practice good oral hygiene.
· Numb mouth with ice chips or cold drinks.


· Use wet foods like stews or sauces .
· encourage fluid intake, tea, fruit ices, jelly, etc.
· Perform oral hygiene at least 4 times a day.

sensation of gastric fullness :

Make frequent small meals.
· Reduce consumption of fats like fried foods, bottled sauces, butter, etc.
· Avoid consumption of beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, eggs and fats.


· Eating light and frequent.
· Use plastic utensils if foods taste metallic.
· Add spices and sauces to food.
· Practice good oral hygiene.

· Eat 8 to 10 glasses of fluid a day.
· Add food to the diet containing an appreciable amount of liquid and
soup, broth, jello, homemade ice cream.
· Taking fluids after meals.

NEUTROPENIA: (low white blood cell count)
Tips to prevent neutropenia-related infections:
· ; Check the expiration dates of food.
· Defrost food in the fridge, " never" at room temperature.
· Cooking food immediately after thawing.
· Keep hot foods hot and cold.
· Avoid fresh fruits and vegetable, moldy or damaged.
· Cook poultry and fish thoroughly.
· Take care of " no" eat salads when eating outside the home.
· Wash hands frequently to avoid spreading bacteria.

, depending on the tolerance of each patient:
Chicken, white fish (hake, mackerel, snapper, etc), skim milk, cheese and nonfat yogurt, egg whites, beans (peas, lentils, beans), oats, barley, flaxseed, peach, guava, soursop, apple, pear, spinach, chard, watercress leaf gelatin, coconut water (2 times per week), malojillo and chamomile tea.

forbidden foods:

(Preferably not consume the day before chemotherapy,
the day of treatment and two days later)

Beef, sausage, canned, whole milk, ripened cheeses, processed cheese products smoked fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, etc..), not fresh fish, shellfish, dyes, packaged sauces, condiments, canned, fried foods, fats in general, concentrated citrus fruit.

Ms. Maria Belen Velasco O.
Clinical Nutritionist

Specializing in Oncology

Tlfs: 0212 981 13 29 / 985 63 36
Clinic Santa
Floor 3 329 Sofia office


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